Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Quest 6 part 2 Technorati

Ok, I am trying this out. When you use the keyword search, you get all blog posts that have either have library or 2.0 in them. This is a bad way to do any search. I never use a keyword because it is too imprecise. Who wants over 31,000 hits. Using the tag search or the blog search is much better. When searching the popular blog search, I found either techies or major news events. Right now Burma (Myanmar) is very popular, but I normally watch CNN or the nightly news for my news. Hey! How about using the regular search to search for "tech trek 2.0"? Guess what I found? You got it. I found us. All of the tech star blogs and postings. Note that I put tech trek 2.0 in quotation marks. This site is neat. Here is the URL:

1 comment:

jenn said...
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