Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Quest 12: Media 2.0 Part 2 Podcasts

I looked at all three. I preferred (no registration). After searching the term "library", I found the Hennepin County Library – TeenLinks Podcasts interesting. They have podcasts of book reviews, movie reviews and teen club news. These podcasts are done by their YA patrons. Since YA’s are up on the latest technology, I think that having podcasts on CCPL’s website would attract some teens.
After registering, I found on some very interesting podcasts. I listen to Tech Tracks Podcasts (Podcasting for the tech tracks classes of the SC State Library). How about listening to their introductory podcast?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Quest 12: You Tube PLCMC Video "Get a Clue @ Your Library"

Quest 12: Media 2.0 Part 1 You Tube

Ok, What can I say about You Tube? First thing that I thought about was copyright. It does not matter if a professional studio or artist or any old Tom, Dick or Harry who made the video, the videos are copyright protected. Tom, Dick or Harry might not might not know or care about copyright. A video is considered to be published once it is uploaded to You Tube. Therefore, technically one should gain permission before using any video.
I noticed a lot of copyright infringement when searching the film and animation category. Fans not the studio or artist are the ones who uploaded many of the videos in this category. The same problem is found in MySpaceTv.
I can see CCPL using You Tube to publish promotional videos. PLCMC has done this for summer reading and programs. They even have new employee orientation videos.
I plan on using a Naruto ad on Dorchester’s anime MySpace page to promote the club. I will be getting permission from FUNimation even though the library falls under fair use.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I do not pay any attention to advertisements. I also find that if we (the library) have too many signs posted, that people do not read them. I do like the Bob Dylan video.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Quest 11 part 2

A customer is the most important visitor on our premises.

He is not dependent on us.

We are dependent on him.

He is not an interruption in our work

- he is the purpose of it.

We are not doing him a favour by serving him.

 He is doing us a favour by giving us the opportunity to serve him.

-Mahatma Gandhi



Quest 11 - Online Apps!

Ok, I can see some advantages to using these online applications. I tried out both Zoho and Google Docs. The advantage of Zoho Writer over Google Docs is that it can be used offline, when you download Google Gears. Ironically, Google Docs does not at this time have this feature. One might want to work offline especially when one is on dialup. When I used to write wed pages, I always worked offline.
Zoho also has more services: spreadsheet; web conferencing; slide presentation, note taker; web application creator; planner; wiki; chat; and writer. Google Docs has a spreadsheet and slide presentation besides the writer.
Both can download an excel spreadsheet, but neither can freeze-frame. When I am working in excel I need the option to freeze-frame.
Google presentation is better then Zoho Show in that Google has some themed backgrounds. Neither is as good as Microsoft PowerPoint or Corel Presentation when it comes to the verity of backgrounds.
Zoho writer has 50 templates one can use: resume writer; cover letter; or booklet. Some take the place of Microsoft Publisher. Google Docs does not have this option. Both have a spell-check but neither have a grammar-check. I have been spoiled by Corel’s grammar-check.
Zoho also has applications that apply to businesses.They have online database and reports; project management software; web conferencing; customer relationship management (CRM); and a chat room. They also have Zoho Mail and Zoho Business that are in a beta testing mode.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Quest 10 - Son Of TechTrek Playhouse!

I have tried all the recommended sites. By far, the best site is Artpad. I have had a lot of fun computer painting. I also liked Dogstar and Catstar, because I have both a dog and 2 cats.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Quest 9 part 2

I had fun posting to tech trek's wiki. I added favorite YA books and YA authors, besides adding to the existing TV shows, anime, pets, books and authors.

Quest 9 Wikis

In the past, I have used Wikipedia as a last resort. I would never use it or suggest it be used in a research paper due to its’ unreliability as to the information’s source. Ironically, a good place to get articles discussing editing on Wikipedia is from Wikipedia on Wikiscanner at Wikiscanner is a tool created to search for the editors of Wikipedia articles. Here is the problem with Wikipedia: many companies, politicians, and famous people edit their entries to remove anything negative. The journal Wired also has a list of edits at
Ok, enough about Wikipedia. I definitely can see our library use Wikis for pathfinders like St. Joseph County Public Library system. I search on cooking. The book jackets were helpful. Also, I liked the fact that the suggestions linked to their catalog. The U.S. government gave links the various government web sites. This use of pathfinders is a good homework helper.
Once again I can see us using Wikis for book clubs and book reviews like Princeton Public Library does on Book Lovers Wiki. I liked the star system of rating books. I also liked the read more about the author link to biographical material. This is a good way to share with others ones favorite books.
All right, I have to admit that I spent the most time at Library Success since this site is for librarians by librarians. First, I took a look at the weeding section. This section gave some good tips on what and when to weed. Next I looked at the services for teens, since I am DOR’s YA librarian. Under Library 2.0 Services to Teens, I found examples of MySpace pages. I loved looking at others YA pages. When I am ready, I will add DOR’S anime club page to the list. Since, John’s Island YA page is listed, I now have them as my friend on DOR’S page.
Another interesting use for Wikis is for a calendar of events and for library news. I like the fact that the library public can be interactive with the library, but library Wikis do have to be monitored just like library blogs. One would not want offensive, derogatory, or inflammatory comments on a library’s site. It would also be a good idea to have a disclaimer about the accuracy of patron’s contributions.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Quest 8 Myspace

I have created a MySpace account for an anime club that will be starting in January. The name of the account is Dorchester Road Library Anime Club. I have requested Tech Trek 2.0 to be my friend. You can search for this account under Dorchester Road Library Anime Club. I will make the account public sometime in December. It is only for my friends for now, since it is a work in progress.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Quest 8 Social Networking

Part 1 article “ Your Guide to Social Networking Online”

Looking at the history of social networking online is a snapshot of the past. In years gone by, teens and young adults had the telephone. Remember talking on it for hour with your friends. Then came the personal computers and the Internet, which gave YA’s email; chat rooms; personal websites; Usenet; bulletin boards; and Live Journal. Now, it is MySpace and Facebook. The geeks and fandom still prefer Live Journal. In the past one would join a club in one’s hometown now there are special interest social networks that let one interact with people a world away. There is an anonymity that one does not get locally. Ah, like everything else it is here today gone tomorrow. So, what does the future hold? As technology advances and changes, each generation changes. Oh, what fickle youth. The geeks are always looking towards the future. One only has to read the comments at the end of Mark Glaser’s article.

Part 1 articles “Tips for Educators or Parents” and “Social Networking Sites: Safety Tips for Tweens and Teens”

Although both articles had some good advice, good luck getting YA’s to listen to anything an adult has to say. YA’s view parents and other adult authority figure as complete idiots who know nothing and who never were a teen. YA’s are sophomoric. They know it all and cannot see why they cannot be treated like an adult. They are invincible. From experience as a parent, there were times when I felt I would get better cooperation from a wall. I found that reverse psychology worked best. Remember what a parent love a teen hates and vice a verse a. Tell a teen not to do something guarantees that they will. Just ban a book, and every teen will then read it. My tip to educators and parents is one that was not listed in either article. Monitor your teens Internet use. Some schools have blocked social networking sites like MySpace, because they are not educational related. At home, have the computer in the family room not the kid’s room. If your child does have a MySpace page, check it out. Like the TV adds from the 80’s, do you know where your teen is and what they are doing?

Part 1 article “ Social networking fuels new Web boom”

What can I say? Money, money, money, big money always goes where it can make more. Yesterday, it was the dot coms. Today it is MySpace and Facebook. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Part 2 Discovery exercise

Ok, I took a look at all five social network sites. First off, I read all the sites privacy policies. Two things that they all have in common are cookies and web log files to track usage. Only Linkedin did not seem to share certain non-personal information (ip addresses and browser information) with advertisers. All the others do. Also, the advertisers use cookies. All the sites let the user set their own security level (friends only, friends of friends, or everyone). MySpace, bebo, and Friendster do share some user profile information (members pictures, first names) with the public in order to help in user interaction. Facebook and bebo have age limitation of no one under 13. One can always lie. Linkedin has an age limitation of no one under 18, since this is a site for professionals to network. It also has two levels for members to join (paid and free) depending on the level of service. Since, bebo, friendster, facebook, and MySpace are very similar, I found bebo interesting. I liked the way bebo had it tabs at the top of the page, particular the music and authors. I know that I am out of it, but I did not know all the different types of music. Under feature authors was the book Seeker by William Nicholson and yes CCPL does own it. I like the way they do their cataloging of the music and authors. Yes, I know that MySpace has something similar. As for MySpace, I just helped my younger daughter pimp her page. As for searching for libraries on any of these sites, it would be easer if the libraries had a link off their web sites.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Library Thing

I have started a Library Thing account of some of my favorite young adult books. My account is